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Crafting a Comprehensive Letter of Interest After a Deferral in the EA/ED Round



Receiving a deferral after applying to a college during the Early Action (EA) or Early Decision (ED) round can be a challenging moment for any student. However, it's essential to remember that a deferral is not a rejection; it's an opportunity to bolster your application and reaffirm your commitment to the institution. One effective tool at your disposal is a Letter of Interest. In this detailed blog post, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of crafting a compelling Letter of Interest to maximize your chances of admission.

#1 - Understand the Purpose of a Letter of Interest

A Letter of Interest, also known as a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI), serves several crucial purposes:

To Update the Admissions Committee: Inform the committee about any significant developments in your life or academic journey since your initial application.

To Express Continued Interest: Clearly express your ongoing enthusiasm for the college and your strong desire to attend.

To Showcase Fit and Contributions: Demonstrate your fit with the institution and emphasize how you will contribute to its academic and extracurricular community.

#2 - Personalize Your Salutation

Address your letter to the admissions officer responsible for your region, if possible. Use their name and title to create a personalized connection.

#3 - Begin with Gratitude and Positivity

Open your letter by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply to the college. Maintain a positive tone throughout the letter, focusing on the constructive aspects of your experience with the institution.

#4 - Highlight Achievements and Growth

Share any notable achievements or developments in your academic, extracurricular, or personal life since submitting your early application. This may include:

Improved Standardized Test Scores: If you've retaken standardized tests and achieved better results, highlight these scores.

New Awards or Recognitions: Mention any awards, scholarships, or honors you've received.

Leadership and Activities: Discuss any leadership roles or significant contributions you've made to clubs, organizations, or community initiatives.

Personal Growth and Insights: If you've had life-changing experiences that have influenced your educational goals, share them thoughtfully.

#5 - Emphasize Fit and Contributions

Reiterate why you believe the college is an ideal fit for you. To do this:

Discuss Specific Programs: Detail specific academic programs, departments, or courses that align with your interests and career goals.

Mention Professors: Name-drop professors whose work you admire or whose research aligns with your academic aspirations.

Highlight Research Opportunities: If relevant, talk about research projects or opportunities at the college that excite you.

Unique Aspects of the College: Identify unique aspects of the college's culture, mission, or values that resonate with you.

#6 - Explain Your Continued Interest

Clearly communicate that the college remains one of your top choices. Provide concrete reasons for your continued interest, making it evident that this institution is an integral part of your future plans. You can do this by:

Discussing Campus Visits: Mention any recent campus visits, virtual events, or interactions with alumni that reaffirmed your interest.

Detailing Fit and Values: Explain how the college aligns with your values and long-term academic and career goals.

Expressing Enthusiasm: Use enthusiastic language to convey your strong desire to join the college community.

#7 - Maintain Conciseness and Professionalism

Keep your letter concise, typically within one page. Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter, avoiding overly emotional language. Proofread meticulously to eliminate grammar and spelling errors.

#8 - Avoid Repetition

Ensure that your Letter of Interest does not merely rehash information from your initial application or essays. Focus on presenting new and meaningful information that strengthens your case for admission.

#9 - Observe Submission Guidelines

Check the college's official website or reach out to the admissions office to find out if they have specific guidelines for submitting a Letter of Interest. Adhere to any specified deadlines and preferred submission methods.

#10 - Stay Committed and Follow Up

After sending your Letter of Interest, continue to work diligently on your academics and extracurricular activities. If you achieve further accomplishments or have more updates to share, don't hesitate to follow up with the admissions office. Keep them informed of your progress and unwavering enthusiasm for the institution.


Although receiving a deferral can be disheartening, it's essential to view it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. A meticulously crafted Letter of Interest can serve as a powerful tool in your arsenal, demonstrating your commitment and enhancing your chances of securing admission. Stay dedicated, stay positive, and leverage this opportunity to strengthen your application. Admissions committees value students who are passionate and genuinely enthusiastic about their institution, and your Letter of Interest can convey just that. Best of luck on your path to admission!


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